Aveda shoot

I did this photo shoot a few sundays ago with avedaKym Chapman Mua and forecast designs. It was a super fun shoot as they are all ace people and they made me feel totally comfortable I would recommend all of them to anyone! The latex was really strange for me as i'd never worn in before but that was fun too, had to get on though :p and it was for a company called Cherry Pop Latex, you can find them on Facebook too.

There are more photos here, Elizabeth Gracie Facebook page, if you could give it a cheeky like too I would appreciate that a lot!

Love, Elizabeth x



I recently got told about this clothing company called Ovate which is all handmade by Audrey Cantwell, as soon as I started looking through the collections I instantly fell in love with it all. The clothing is amazing too but I just wanted to show you the accessories for now because just wow! As soon as my student loan comes through I am having some alone time with this website ;p http://ovate.ca/shop.htm

Yours, Elizabeth x



These are some inspirational photos from my tumblr, I hope you like them as much as I do.. there is just too many good photos on tumblr. A lot of people slate it but I think it brilliant just all depends on who you are following I think.

So a quick update, I move out on friday which I'm so looking forward to. Although I haven't even started packing yet, last minute lizy as everyone says.

Hope you are all well!

Yours, eg. 


The red summer sun

(Dave Canning)

These are some of the photos from the shoot I did with The Idealist Magazine the other week. I'll have some more up soon! What do you think? Dave Canning is good right? :)

Love, Elizabeth.