Give me one good reason.

Oh my god, don't look at my roots please! I'm trying to get rid of the black in my hair by leaving it as long as i can then getting it stripped! It's starting to get too much for me! hahaha! Any tips for my hair?? I could do with them!

It was that hot this day I didn't have to wear shorts! yay! My pale legs got a little bit of sun :p

Yours, Elizabeth.


Anonymous said...

very nice look!!

Agnieszka Szulc said...

love it :D!

brthwck said...

I like you with black hair though :( you look beaut's here!

Rebecca xo

WMBG said...

great pictures and awesome look!



Batty said...

I love the last picture!

Are you using a color stripper or bleach? With bleach, you can melt (solid) coconut oil & apply it all over the black. Let it sit for 1+ hr and put bleach right over it. It will make it lift quickly AND you'll walk away with little to no damage. You can also use the leftover coconut oil as a conditioning treatment!