
I was just being a little vain yesterday because I felt pretty for once ^_^ haha! And I thought I'd show you these photos too because I quite like them. Can't wait to get my tee from VIBES and show you all, want it now! Heading into town with a few friends today, got a migraine but I'm trying to man it and get some fresh air. So I'll end up buying something haha ah well bit of something wont hurt ^_^

Yours, eg.


Lena said...

Hi! I like your blog! may be let's follow each other? if u want) I'll be very happy!)

Megan said...

You look lovely! I have hair envy!

Just thought I'd also let you know that I'm running a little giveaway on my blog to win VIP tickets (& free shoes) to the Nelly.com launch party in Nottingham.

Just thought I'd mention as I know you're from Nottingham too!



Batty said...

I love your hair!